This weekend was a mini launch of our 100% pure linen range at Cavendish! 2 weeks solid prepping, everything lovingly made by hand from printing and ironing of the saltbags to the individuall sewinng on of care labels, all the way to the threading of the cords on the foodbags. Being an entrepreneur ain't no plain sailing and takes time and passion. Without the passion it just becomes another job.
Blueblossom is the story of 2 friends with lots of passion for life and enjoying the beauty that comes from within it. Both are mums with their own full lives, with a love and excitement for beautiful quality products. We decided to embark on this 2 week project... and may even write a book on "How to start a business and launch it in 2 weeks!"
Here some pics and the result of our 2 week project:
9x Salt Bags, 12x Food Bags, 100x Dish towels, 1x 6-8 seater Table Cloth, 3x Gift Wraps, 1 and a half Bean Bags! Not forgetting a full roll-out of a brand new Corporate Identity! Let the orders roll in :)
A customer at the market informed us of the History of Linen and how it linked to the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution... got home to do some more research on this little fact: that over 5000 years ago the Egyptians named it "woven moonlight"... see for yourself :)
More info about Linen to follow... an amazing natural, versatile and beautiful vegetable fibre!
Thank You to all our mates for visiting us at Cavendish and especially to our families who supported us into the early mornings with the moonlight!