
pastors, prophets and presidents (in training) in Paarl

Tobe Dreams at the My Favourite Things Market in Paarl :)
Her some pics of the tobe team... wishing all mums and mums-to-be and wonderful Mother's Day!

Check out more pics on our facebook page: www.facebook.com/tobepramshoes


Our Tobenaut Twins in Vancouver :)

Emilio and Luis... or Luis and Emilio... :)
Thank You for the pics from Aunty Coralovely.
Aunty Coralovely pointed out that Luis is the Tobenaut pondering his finger!

may tobe love and sunshine always surround you.... much like that happy chair of yours!

Our Tobenaut, Callum the Most Amazing Scientist eva:)

Thank You for the pic from Uncle Sir Timothy!
Michael Faraday in training: scientist, chemist, physicist and philosopher...

Go Callum... the tobes look really cool with your cool cargo pants :)
You are the most fashionable scientist ever : )


Tobe Pram Shoes gets coverage... baby steps :)

Look what the tobe team found whilst surfing the net last night.... little did we know and what a lovely surprise that others out there believe in out TOBE hopes and dreams too!

Thank You to Urban Edge Mag and Kirstin Geldenhuys for this article :)

Also to Terry Levin who shot our Tobe Stand on BIZCOMMUNITY
and for thinking our Tobes are "the most divine baby boots on the planet" :))) we think so too!

And another surprise little mention on the withoutcomplexities.blogspot.com... thank yoooo tooo!

Another Happy Tobenaut...Our Bruce Lee in Hong Kong :)

KaPOW! May all your dreams come true Choi Shing Chi...
looks like you have that Bruce-Lee-kick-stance mastered already :)